- CA CCOQ F30-S01-SS2-F1
- Pasta/Processo
- 1994
Parte de Coquitlam Foundation fonds
The file consists of correspondence sent and received by the Coquitlam Foundation in 1994.
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Parte de Coquitlam Foundation fonds
The file consists of correspondence sent and received by the Coquitlam Foundation in 1994.
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Correspondence July-December 1996
Parte de Coquitlam Foundation fonds
The file consists of correspondence sent and received by the Coquitlam Foundation in 1996.
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The collection consists largely of research materials and notes created in the preparation of Boire's book "With Hearts and Minds" published in 2016. The remainder of the collection consists of materials collected by Boire from Caisse Populaire Maillardville Credit Union, as well as accumulated material pertaining to Boire’s involvement in several community initiatives, such as the Maillardville Residents' Association, Maillardville revitalization and planning, and Place Maillardville.
Materials include correspondence, photographs, administrative records, interviews, reports, handwritten notes, clippings, advertising and professional materials, newsletters, research materials, prints, postcards, ephemera, a map, embossing seals, a lid from a glass milk bottle, and other documents. The collection also includes a manuscript copy of “With Hearts and Minds”.
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Parte de The Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills fonds
The series contains records relating to the financial operations of The Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills. The series includes banking records as well as tax records.
The series consists of colour and black and white photographic prints, negatives and digital photographs on CD of events and celebrations held by or participated in by the Caisse Populaire/Village Credit Union.
The file consists of copies of newspaper clippings from local newspapers including the Coquitlam Now and the Tri-City News for the period 1995-1997.
Riverview Hospital Historical Society collection
The Riverview Hospital Historical Society collection consists of the records collected and maintained by the Riverview Hospital Historical Society (RHHS). Through their museum and library, the RHHS acquired and stewarded records documenting the history of Riverview Hospital, the British Columbia School of Psychiatric Nursing, and the history of psychiatric care in British Columbia.
The collection consists of a range of documentary forms, including: reports, theses, newspaper clippings, newsletters, publications, correspondence, manuals, plans and drawings, directories, inventories, procedures, programmes, annuals, invitations, motion pictures, personal narratives, staff lists, minutes, study notes, scrapbooks, ephemera, and photographs depicting aspects of social and administrative life at the hospital and school.
The collection is arranged into ten series that reflect original collections maintained by the RHHS, and are organized by media type or content. See the Arrangement note below for more information.
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Parte de Coquitlam Foundation fonds
The file consists of correspondence sent and received by the Coquitlam Foundation in 1995.
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Correspondence January-June 1996
Parte de Coquitlam Foundation fonds
The file consists of correspondence sent and received by the Coquitlam Foundation in 1996.
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Parte de Coquitlam Foundation fonds
The file consists of correspondence sent and received by the Coquitlam Foundation in 1998
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Assessment and Collectors Rolls
Parte de The Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills fonds
The series consists of assessment and collectors rolls and financial declarations for the Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills.
This series consists of records related to the construction and operations on Colony Farm at Riverview Hospital. The materials relate to the original construction planning and dyking done to create Colony Farm, as well as some of the early auction and sale records of cattle and horses.
Record types include correspondence, financial records, agreements, receipts, a certificate, and policy material.
The collection consists of records collected by Fiona McQuarrie. The collection contains records related to the Gender Equity Committee as well as the merger of the Village Credit Union with Vancouver City Savings.
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Financial Statements and Annual Reports - 1971-1991
Parte de City of Coquitlam fonds
The series includes financial statements prepared by a number of different chartered accountants on behalf of the District of Coquitlam for the years 1971-1991. Starting in 1981, the reports were called Annual Reports but continued to reflect the same information. The reports include a municipal directory, the Municipal Treasurer's Report, the Auditor's Report, and financial statements.
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Statement of Accounts and Annual Financial Reports - 1912-1970
Parte de City of Coquitlam fonds
The series includes financial statements prepared by a number of different chartered accountants on behalf of the Corporation of the District of Coquitlam for the years 1912 to 1970. Earlier documents include boiler plate information about elected officials and department heads while later documents provide statistics and other information about the municipality as well as a selection of photographs in a few cases.
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Parte de Coquitlam Foundation fonds
The file consists of correspondence sent and received by the Coquitlam Foundation in 1997.
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Parte de Coquitlam Foundation fonds
The file consists of the Coquitlam Foundation's Chamber of Commerce membership certificates and related materials.
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Grants and Funds Administration
Parte de Coquitlam Foundation fonds
The file consists of records to do with the administration of grants and funds which do not fit into any other file category. These include lists, tables, correspondence and applications.
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The file consists of copies of newspaper clippings from local newspapers including the Coquitlam Now and the Tri-City News for the period 1985-1987.
Maillardville 75th Anniversary Souvenir Program
Annual Reports and Financial Statements - 1992-2025
Parte de City of Coquitlam fonds
The series consists of the Annual Reports, Statements of Financial Information, and Consolidated Financial Statements for 1992 to 2018. The Annual Reports vary slightly throughout the years but generally include a civic directory, a message from the Mayor, a Treasurer's report, an Auditor's report, maps, photographs, an organization chart, and financial statements. For the years 1994 to 2002, and 2008-2009 the series includes the Annual Report and a separate Statement of Financial Information. For the years 2010-2013 the series includes Consolidated Financial Statements.
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Correspondence July-November 1999
Parte de Coquitlam Foundation fonds
The file consists of correspondence sent and received by the Coquitlam Foundation in 1999.
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Parte de Coquitlam Foundation fonds
The file consists of correspondence sent and received by the Coquitlam Foundation in 1999.
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Parte de Coquitlam Foundation fonds
The file consists of correspondence sent and received by the Coquitlam Foundation in 2000.
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Parte de Coquitlam Foundation fonds
The file consists of the annual financial statements and related records for the Coquitlam Foundation for the years 1992-1997, 1999, 2008 and 2009.
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Caisse Populaire Maillardville Credit Union research materials
Parte de Alain Boire collection
The series consists of material given to Boire by Caisse Populaire Maillardville Credit Union, when its assets were sold to VanCity Credit Union.
Record types include photographs and contact sheets, brochures, bulletins, fliers, ephemera, financial statements, minutes and agendas. The series also includes seals used by Caisse Populaire Maillardville Credit Union.
Advertising and promotional material
Caisse Populaire Maillardville Credit Union Annual Report
The series consists of banking ledgers created by the Caisse Populaire Maillardville Credit Union
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