Fraser Mills



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Fraser Mills

Fraser Mills

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Fraser Mills

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Fraser Mills

312 Archivistische beschrijving results for Fraser Mills

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William Ostenstad fonds

  • F57
  • Archief
  • 1918-1973

The fonds consists of a postcard depicting 13 soldiers in Burquitlam as well as 7 photographs of the Fraser Mills townsite taken in 1973 shortly before it was closed down by Crown Zellebach.

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Council Minutes

The series consists of council minutes from the first Council meeting of the Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills, held on April 21st, 1913, through to the final Council meeting held on October 18th, 1971. It was noted that the next Council meeting would take place on October 21st, 1971, but there are no minutes of this meeting. The Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills officially amalgamated with the District of Coquitlam on November 1st, 1971.

The Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills fonds

  • CA CCOQ F11
  • Archief
  • 1913-1971

The fonds consists of the District of Fraser Mills Letters Patent, council minutes, financial records, correspondence, municipal government records, police commission meeting minutes, declarations and assessment rolls, and assorted textual records.

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Resultaten 31 tot 60 van 312