- F57
- Archief
- 1918-1973
The fonds consists of a postcard depicting 13 soldiers in Burquitlam as well as 7 photographs of the Fraser Mills townsite taken in 1973 shortly before it was closed down by Crown Zellebach.
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The fonds consists of a postcard depicting 13 soldiers in Burquitlam as well as 7 photographs of the Fraser Mills townsite taken in 1973 shortly before it was closed down by Crown Zellebach.
Zonder titel
Part of The Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills fonds
The file consists of the 1913 Letters Patent that incorporated the Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills, when it seceded from the Corporation of the District of Coquitlam on March 25th, 1913.
1913 Letters Patent (Page 3 of 4)
Part of The Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills fonds
The item consists of a digitized copy of the third page of the 1913 Letters Patent that incorporated the Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills.
Part of The Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills fonds
The series consists of council minutes from the first Council meeting of the Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills, held on April 21st, 1913, through to the final Council meeting held on October 18th, 1971. It was noted that the next Council meeting would take place on October 21st, 1971, but there are no minutes of this meeting. The Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills officially amalgamated with the District of Coquitlam on November 1st, 1971.
Part of The Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills fonds
The series consists of Bylaws No. 1 through 106 enacted by the Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills (1913-1971).
Part of The Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills fonds
The series consists of meeting minutes of the Board of School Trustees meetings held in the Canadian Western Lumber Company's Hall and other information relating to School District No. 43.
Part of The Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills fonds
The series consists of miscellaneous records relating to the Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills.
The Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills fonds
The fonds consists of the District of Fraser Mills Letters Patent, council minutes, financial records, correspondence, municipal government records, police commission meeting minutes, declarations and assessment rolls, and assorted textual records.
Zonder titel
Part of The Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills fonds
The series contains records relating to the financial operations of The Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills. The series includes banking records as well as tax records.
Coquitlam Historical Society large format negatives
The file consists of historical photographs of Coquitlam (and one of Port Coquitlam) that were shot as large format halftone negatives that were prepared for publication, though it is unknown for what purpose.
Shipping sheds and lumber yard at Fraser Mills
Part of Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Manager's Residence (Ryan House) for the Canadian Western Lumber Company Ltd.
Part of Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Row of houses at Fraser Mills townsite
Part of Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Main crane for piling lumber on docks at Fraser Mills
Part of Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Mrs. Borghild Locken outside her house during the 1948 flood
Part of Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Part of Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Hank Locken with his dog during the 1948 flood
Part of Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Part of Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Part of Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Part of Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Part of Coquitlam 100 Years collection
The photograph depicts the Captain of a large cargo ship that gave Esther Pett the stone for her ring.
Horse and lumber cart at Fraser Mills
Part of Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Lumber piler with Hjalmar Ronnlund on the left
Part of Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Canadian Western Lumber Company entrance arch to townsite
Fraser Mills horse teams in front of new barn