Community life



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Community life

238 Descripci?n archiv?stica resultados para Community life

238 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados

Proposed Closure of Burquitlam Elementary research documents and brief

The file contains the research materials compiled by the Burquitlam Elementary School Parents Association Ad Hoc Committee on School Closure for a brief to submit to School District No. 43 to dispute the proposed closure of the school in 1987. Records include the finished brief, photographs and a traffic study for student safety, enrollment, community school use and teaching staff statistics, cost saving statistics, letters of community support, and a petition.

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"The Test" at Fraser Mills

The photograph depicts a hazing ritual at Fraser Mills called "The Test." When passed, the person would be qualified to work peeling and grading logs. (From left to right) Lyle Huff, Dennis Whiting, Ive Bernarden, Bert Madson, Hjalmar Ronnlund

Parks and Recreation Department

The file contains newspaper clippings, ephemera, forms, and an organizational chart that document the Parks and Recreation Department's classes, staff, and events. The file significantly pertains to the 1972-1973 Recreation Referendum.

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Coquitlam Heritage Society

The file consists of minutes and other notes created by Don Cunnings in his role on the board of the Coquitlam Heritage Society.

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