Community life



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Community life

238 Descripci?n archiv?stica resultados para Community life

238 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados

Personal and Family Records (Including Awards and Recognition)

The series consists of records relating to awards and recognition received by Russell Hellard for his various volunteer positions, including his award for Citizen of the Year in 1989. The series includes photographs of awards and ceremonies, as well as the corresponding certificates and correspondence regarding the awards. The series also includes a number of personal photographs of Russell Hellard's family and home.

Photographs, Slides and Scrapbooks

The series consists of photographs, slides, and scrapbooks created or collected by Don Cunnings throughout the course of his life and work.

Dogwood Lifewriters' Group

The subseries primarily consists of the annual publications of the Dogwood Lifewriters' Group from 1999 to 2017, as well as news clippings about the organization, grant applications, meeting minutes, newsletters, and photographs of members.

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Eagle Ridge Residents' Association fonds

  • CA CCOQ F18
  • Fondo
  • 1981-2003

The fonds consists of the operational records of the Eagle Ridge Residents' Association from its foundation in 1981 until 2003.

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Committee and Board Meeting Minutes

The subseries consists of nine folders containing minutes, agendas and supplementary documentation related to the meetings of board and committees of the Coquitlam Foundation.

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Correspondence 2000

The file consists of correspondence sent and received by the Coquitlam Foundation in 2000.

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Annual Financial Statements

The file consists of the annual financial statements and related records for the Coquitlam Foundation for the years 1992-1997, 1999, 2008 and 2009.

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Annual Reports

The file consists of annual reports of the Coquitlam Foundation from 1996.

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The file consists of records related to social, fundraising and other events held by the Coquitlam Foundation, including invitations, programs, speech notes and awards lists. Also included in this file are selected records from events at which the Coquitlam Foundation was an attendee or partner organization.

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The file consists of photocopies of newspaper clippings collected by and related to the Coquitlam Foundation for the period 1994-2010.

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Caisse Populaire Maillardville Credit Union research materials

The series consists of material given to Boire by Caisse Populaire Maillardville Credit Union, when its assets were sold to VanCity Credit Union.

Record types include photographs and contact sheets, brochures, bulletins, fliers, ephemera, financial statements, minutes and agendas. The series also includes seals used by Caisse Populaire Maillardville Credit Union.

Edmund and Garry May Colchester fonds

  • CA CCOQ F50
  • Fondo
  • [197-]

The fonds consists of research materials created and accumulated by Edmund and Garry May Colchester in the 1970s. The material was created and accumulated in the preparation of a final report entitled "Contrasting Philosophies in Workers' Housing in Two Mill Villages: Fraser Mills Townsite and Maillardville - A Brief History”. The fonds also contains several versions of the final reports, as well as other academic writing.

Materials include photographs of houses in Maillardville and Fraser Mills, aerial photographs of Fraser Mills, maps (hand-drawn and copies), promotional materials for Crown Zellerbach, as well as other materials accumulated during the research process.

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Burquitlam Lions Club fonds

  • CA CCOQ F37
  • Fondo
  • 1962 - 2016

The fonds consists of the administrative and operational records created and received by the Burquitlam Lions Club from 1969 to 2016. The materials are related to the club’s initiatives serving both the local community as well as international programs through Lions International.

The fonds reflects this in the following three series: Administrative and membership records; Newsletters and bulletins, and Events and programs.

The Administration and membership records series consists of records pertaining to the Burquitlam Lions Club's administrative and membership activities. It is divided into four subseries: Membership records, Constitution, policy and procedures; Agendas and minutes; and Correspondence.

The Newsletters and bulletins series consists of newsletters and bulletins created by the Burquitlam Lions Club, and ones received by Lions Club International and District 19 Governors.

The Events and programs series contains records related to specific programs supported by the Burquitlam Lions Club as well as events held in their community.

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Newsletters, Promotional Materials, and Press Clippings

The series consists of copies of quarterly newsletters produced by the Burquitlam Community Association including "The Neighbourhood News" and "The Burquitlam Bulletin." The series also includes a number of logos submitted as part of a logo contest, as well as notes on ideas for future newsletters.

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The series includes 25 digital photographs (jpg) taken by members of the Burquitlam Community Association (BCA) in 2004. The photographs depict local landmarks as well as a BCA meeting held in November, 2004.

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Shyla Seller collection

  • CA CCOQ C20
  • Colecci?n
  • [197-] - [20--]

The collection consists of records accumulated by Shyla Seller during her time as a student at Parkland Elementary School, Como Lake Junior Secondary School, and Centennial High School. Records also relate to Shyla’s participation the Olympics of the Mind, a competitive academic event in which participants engage in challenges that test their creative problem solving skills. The collection also includes material related to and created by other members of the Seller family, as well as material related the Hol’n’ One Donut House chain, which was owned by Shyla’s grandparents Bill and Nina Seller.

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Seller Family Photographs

This series consists of photographs of Bill and Nina Seller as well as photographs of various locations of the franchise of Hol 'n' One donut shops they owned.


The series consists of photographs predominantly depicting aspects of social and administrative life at Riverview Hospital and the School of Psychiatric Nursing as well as and Colony Farm. The photographs in the series portray the everyday social life of Riverview Hospital staff and volunteers as well as events, meetings, gatherings, and kinds of work they undertook. Additionally the series depicts scenes of Riverview Hospital's many buildings in varying states of completion, portraits of prize winning livestock (Holstein cattle, Clydesdale and Belgian horses), scenes during periods of flooding at Colony Farm, and equipment, vehicles, and technology used by the Hospital.

The glass plate negatives in Subseries 01 and 04 are known to have been taken by W.J. Moore, a prominent Vancouver photographer. It is possible that the entire collection was taken by W.J. Moore, although it has not been possible to confirm. Some photographs in Subseries 02 are thought to depict the Provincial Hospital for the Insane in New Westminster. Photographs in Subseries 04 are also thought to depict the Dominion Experimental Farm in Agassiz, B.C.

Record types consists largely of silver gelatin negatives in large format cellulose acetate sheets and cellulose acetate film strips. The subseries also contains a collection of glass plate negatives, chromogenic colour negative film strips and large format sheets, silver gelatin DOP prints, a photograph album, and a scrapbook.

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