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5 Descripci?n archiv?stica resultados para Parks

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Programs and events

The series documents the various salmonid enhancement and environmental stewardship programs and events the Hoy-Scott Watershed Society (HSWS) organizes and maintains. A significant portion of the series consists of newspaper clippings HSWS maintained about their events and activities reported on in local newspapers. Additionally, it includes Creek and Trail Inspection Reports, feed records, accumulated thermal units, and trough data forms.

Don Cunnings fonds

  • CA CCOQ F12
  • Fondo
  • 1948 - 2014

The fonds consists of records created and accumulated by Don Cunnings, documenting his involvement in sport and recreation in Coquitlam. The archivist arranged the fonds into three series. One series documents the activities of Cunnings during his tenure at the District of Coquitlam Parks and Recreation Department. The second series consists of personal and professional records accumulated by Cunnings, documenting his various professional positions for reference and posterity. The third series consists of photographs and other media.

The records include photographs, newspaper clippings, newsletters, correspondence, recorded documentaries, three scrapbooks, and assorted textual records and ephemera.

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Hoy-Scott Watershed Society fonds

  • CA CCOQ F45
  • Fondo
  • [194-?]-2021

The Hoy-Scott Watershed Society fonds consists of the records created and received by the Hoy-Scott Watershed Society and reflects its hatchery operations, salmonid enhancement and environmental stewardship programs, events, and environmental advocacy initiatives in the larger Coquitlam Watershed.

The fonds consists of administrative records, reports, correspondence, event planning files, newspaper clippings, newsletters, publications, plans, a scrapbook, promotional materials, and photographs documenting the activities of the Hoy-Scott Watershed Society and the operations of the Hoy Creek Hatchery in Coquitlam.

The fonds was arranged into four series by the archivist. See the Physical condition and Arrangement note below for more information.

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Subject files

The series consists of Columbian Newspaper clippings, B&W photographs, press releases, and other assorted records arranged by subject. The files were created by Columbian staff members for reference purposes.

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The series consists of photographs predominantly depicting events held by the Hoy Scott Watershed Society, including Salmon Come Home, Salmon Leave Home, Fry Releases, Trail Clean Ups, and field trips. The series also documents the habitat of Hoy and Scott Creek during different seasons as well as construction, excavation, and changes to the hatchery and rearing ponds.

Record types include a scrapbook, silver gelatin negatives in large format cellulose acetate sheets, silver gelatin DOP prints, chromogenic colour negative film strips, slides, and prints.