Groundskeepers at the Vancouver Golf Club
- CA CCOQ C6-S01-C6.54
- Item
- {192?]
Parte de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
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Groundskeepers at the Vancouver Golf Club
Parte de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Police Station at 1318 Brunette Avenue with Emeri Paré on the porch
Parte de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
The photograph features Coquitlam's first police office, which was in the home of Police Chief, Emeri Paré at 1318 Brunette St.
Chief of Police, Emeri Paré in his office at 1318 Brunette St.
Parte de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Vince Ruzicka in front of mushroom houses on Porter Ave
Parte de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Trial of strikers at Fraser Mills outside of Municipal Hall
Parte de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Gerald (Cap) Hobbis on the Hobbis Family farm
Parte de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Parks and Recreation Department
Parte de Don Cunnings fonds
The file contains newspaper clippings, ephemera, forms, and an organizational chart that document the Parks and Recreation Department's classes, staff, and events. The file significantly pertains to the 1972-1973 Recreation Referendum.
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Letter of Offer - Director of Parks and Recreation
Parte de Don Cunnings fonds
The file contains one letter of appointment for Don Cunnings in the position of the Director of Parks and Recreation in 1966.
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