Labour and employment



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The file consists of photocopies of images depicting the staff and grounds of Essondale's Crease Clinic at Riverview Hospital, including the Fire Hall.

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Administrative and event records

This subseries consists of records related to administrative, operational, and financial functions at at the School of Psychiatric Nursing as well as records from its events and graduations. The subseries also includes some records from New Westminster Public Hospital for the Insane, with unclear chain of custody.

Record types include manuals, reports, policies and procedures, histories, study notes, staff lists, programs, minutes, pay slips, constitutions, and bylaws.

District of Coquitlam Parks and Recreation Department records

The series documents the activities that Cunnings was involved with and led during his tenure at the District of Coquitlam Parks and Recreation Department and the development of the Department over time.

The series is arranged into files according to subject, and consists of textual records, photographs, ephemera, and newspaper clippings detailing sports, recreational programs and classes, parks and facility development, and events and initiatives undertaken by the Department, such as BC Summer Games, and Coquitlam Centennial celebrations.

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School of Psychiatric Nursing Records

This series consists of records created and accumulated by the School of Psychiatric Nursing at Riverview Hospital. It includes administrative and financial records that informed the operation of the School, annuals (yearbooks) of each graduating class of the School, the publications accumulated from national psychiatric nursing organizations, as well as graduation and departmental photographs.

Record types in this series include manuals, reports, policies, handbooks, staff lists, event programmes and invitations, minutes, study notes, yearbooks, and publications.

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Municipal Employees and Politicians

The file exhibits the municipal employees who worked for the District of Coquitlam Parks and Recreation Department, such as sports arena supervisors, managers, recreation council members, as well as politicians such as past mayors and aldermen of the City of Coquitlam. Much of the file documents Cunnings himself, and his contributions as a municipal employee. Records include news clippings, invitations, correspondence, commemorative newsletters and ephemera.

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Administrative records

This subseries consists of records related to the administration and operation of Riverview Hospital that were made and received by the Hospital. Records include employee handbooks, regulations, procedures, codes, manuals; program materials; telephone and physician directories; annual reports; financial information; blank hospital forms; a certificate of incorporation; and the Riverview Tree Inventory.

Personal and professional records

The series consists of records created and accumulated by Cunnings and reflect his personal and professional interests. These records were accumulated by Cunnings for the purposes of reference and posterity rather than documenting the activities of the District of Coquitlam Parks and Recreation Department during his tenure.

The personal records consist of a letter of appointment as well as a selection of documentaries used by Cunnings as reference. His professional records contain photographs, ephemera, and correspondence generated in the course of Cunnings' positions as a gymnastics teacher at Our Lady of Lourdes, the Division Head of Essondale's Crease Clinic Recreation Therapy Department, and as a founding member of Coquitlam Search and Rescue (SAR).

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The series consists of photographs predominantly depicting aspects of social and administrative life at Riverview Hospital and the School of Psychiatric Nursing as well as and Colony Farm. The photographs in the series portray the everyday social life of Riverview Hospital staff and volunteers as well as events, meetings, gatherings, and kinds of work they undertook. Additionally the series depicts scenes of Riverview Hospital's many buildings in varying states of completion, portraits of prize winning livestock (Holstein cattle, Clydesdale and Belgian horses), scenes during periods of flooding at Colony Farm, and equipment, vehicles, and technology used by the Hospital.

The glass plate negatives in Subseries 01 and 04 are known to have been taken by W.J. Moore, a prominent Vancouver photographer. It is possible that the entire collection was taken by W.J. Moore, although it has not been possible to confirm. Some photographs in Subseries 02 are thought to depict the Provincial Hospital for the Insane in New Westminster. Photographs in Subseries 04 are also thought to depict the Dominion Experimental Farm in Agassiz, B.C.

Record types consists largely of silver gelatin negatives in large format cellulose acetate sheets and cellulose acetate film strips. The subseries also contains a collection of glass plate negatives, chromogenic colour negative film strips and large format sheets, silver gelatin DOP prints, a photograph album, and a scrapbook.

Personal Collections

This series consists of records that were original personal fonds and collections acquired and preserved by the Riverview Hospital Historical Society's during its existence. It contains the personal collections of nurses, doctors, general staff, British Columbia's first Provincial Botanist, and a patient at Riverview Hospital. Each file includes records such as study notes, photographs, ephemera, correspondence, newspaper clippings and pamphlets.

The series consists of 15 files, each corresponding to its original creator or donor: Ken Baker, Loretta Barnet, Ultan Patrick Byrne, Jean Campbell, Edna Colvin, John Davidson, Sheila Dumore, William Headridge, Alyce Hockin, Lois Kaldestad, Catherine Murray, Judy Pendry, Dorothy Pocock, Hazel Shepard, and Georgina Bernice Petty.

"The Test" at Fraser Mills

The photograph depicts a hazing ritual at Fraser Mills called "The Test." When passed, the person would be qualified to work peeling and grading logs. (From left to right) Lyle Huff, Dennis Whiting, Ive Bernarden, Bert Madson, Hjalmar Ronnlund

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