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95 Description archivistique résultats pour Housing

95 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques


The series consists of material related to Margaret's Krenbrink's personal activism. Of note is a set of correspondence with Alderman Bewley regarding the issue of compact housing.

Sans titre

722 Alderson Ave

The item consists of a photograph of 722 Alderson Ave that was the home of Wilfred Harris.

Community Planning Library

The series consists of reports, plans, publications, books and other reference material from the library of the Community Planning division of the Planning and Development Department. The Community Planning Library was collected and arranged by the division.

The series also consists of reports and other reference material donated by the Coquitlam Public Library.

Sans titre

Events and programs

The series contains records related to events held and specific programs supported by the Burquitlam Lions Club from 1969 to 2018. The Burquitlam Lions Club organized annual Christmas hampers, Easter Egg hunts, and meat draws. They also supported hearing aid and eyeglass initiatives, Easter Seals camps, and notably funded two care centres: the Burquitlam Lions Intermediate Care Centre (1981-2016) and L.J. Christmas Manor Seniors Home.

Record types include event planning materials and timelines, correspondence, guestbooks, newspaper clippings, as well as activity reports, photographs, and scrapbooks.

Sans titre

Résultats 31 à 60 sur 95