- CA CCOQ C4-S01-SS3-F02-MH.2011.3.198
- Stuk
- unknown
Fraser Mills
Bereik aantekeningen
ron aantekeningen
Toon aantekening(en)
Hiërarchische termen
Fraser Mills
Fraser Mills
Gelijksoortige termen
Fraser Mills
Verwante termen
Fraser Mills
312 Archivistische beschrijving results for Fraser Mills
306 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
Fraser Mills, Interior Showing Planing Mill
- CA CCOQ C4-S01-SS3-F02-MH.2011.3.200
- Stuk
- unknown
- CA CCOQ C4-S01-SS3-F02-MH.2011.3.205
- Stuk
- unknown
- CA CCOQ C4-S01-SS3-F02-MH.2011.3.211
- Stuk
- unknown
- CA CCOQ C4-S01-SS3-F02-MH.2011.3.229
- Stuk
- 1931
Dayshift Carrier Drivers at Fraser Mills, 1936
- CA CCOQ C4-S01-SS3-F07-MH.1995.15.18
- Stuk
- 1936
Zonder titel
- Archief
- 1976-1996
The fonds consists of two colour positive slides depicting the former townsite at Fraser Mills in 1976. The photographs were taken on the south side of the railway tracks by George Bergson. The fonds also includes a number of photographic slides showing various interior and exterior shots of Fraser Mills buildings taken in 1986 as well as a photograph showing the mill taken in 1996 from New Westminster looking down the Fraser River.
Zonder titel
Research materials about French-Canadian settlers at Fraser Mills
- CA CCOQ C10-S01-F20
- Bestanddeel
- [ca. 2009]
Part of Alain Boire collection
Articles and research materials about Maillardville, Fraser Mills, and French Canadian settlement
- CA CCOQ C10-S01-F22
- Bestanddeel
- [ca. 2009]
Part of Alain Boire collection
Mill worker's cottage at Fraser Mills - 1973
- F57-F57.003
- Stuk
- 1973
Part of William Ostenstad fonds
The item consists of a photograph of a mill worker's cottage at Fraser Mills.
Mill worker's cottage at Fraser Mills - 1973
- F57-F57.005
- Stuk
- 1973
Part of William Ostenstad fonds
The item consists of a photograph of a mill worker's cottage at Fraser Mills.
- CA CCOQ F11-S10
- Reeks
Part of The Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills fonds
The series consists of property records relating to Fraser Mills including land sales, Jack Cewe Park, rental memos, and survey plans.
- CA CCOQ F11-S11
- Reeks
Part of The Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills fonds
The series consists of government records related to Fraser Mills including election records, correspondence, social welfare, and civil defence.
- CA CCOQ F11-S01
- Reeks
- 1913
Part of The Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills fonds
The series consists of a single file containing the 1913 Letters Patent that incorporated the Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills on March 25th, 1913.
1913 Letters Patent (Page 1 of 4)
- CA CCOQ F11-S01-F01-F11.001
- Stuk
- 1913
Part of The Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills fonds
The item consists of a digitized copy of the first page of the 1913 Letters Patent that incorporated the Corporation of the District of Fraser Mills.
- CA CCOQ C4-S01-SS3-F01-MH.2004.19.2
- Stuk
- 194?
- CA CCOQ C4-S01-SS3-F01-MH.2005.28.1f
- Stuk
- 1948
- CA CCOQ C4-S01-SS3-F01-MH.2005.28.1g
- Stuk
- 1948
- CA CCOQ C4-S01-SS3-F01-MH.2005.28.2
- Stuk
- unknown
Overturned truck at Fraser Mills
- CA CCOQ C4-S01-SS3-F01-MH.2005.28.3A
- Stuk
- unknown
Overturned truck at Fraser Mills
- CA CCOQ C4-S01-SS3-F01-MH.2005.28.3B
- Stuk
- unknown
Woman raking with a small boy sitting on the lawn
- CA CCOQ C4-S01-SS3-F01-MH.2011.3.1e
- Stuk
- unknown
Sikh millworker at Fraser Mills
- CA CCOQ C4-S01-SS3-F01-MH.2011.3.21
- Stuk
- unknown
Finished product being discharged from Fraser Mills by Sikh workers
- CA CCOQ C4-S01-SS3-F01-MH.2011.3.32a
- Stuk
- unknown
Fraser Mills docks with sailing ships
- CA CCOQ C4-S01-SS3-F01-MH.2011.3.33
- Stuk
- unknown
Company Townsite, Fraser Mills
- CA CCOQ C4-S01-SS3-F01-MH.2011.3.35b
- Stuk
- unknown
- CA CCOQ C4-S01-SS3-F01-MH.2011.3.39b
- Stuk
- unknown
- CA CCOQ C4-S01-SS3-F01-MH.2011.3.54
- Stuk
- unknown
- CA CCOQ C4-S01-SS3-F01-MH.2011.3.61
- Stuk
- unknown
- CA CCOQ C4-S01-SS3-F01-MH.2011.3.75
- Stuk
- 1946
Zonder titel