Family and personal life



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Family and personal life

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Family and personal life

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Family and personal life

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Scrapbook "Shyla's Book"

The scrapbook contains photographs, newspaper clippings, greeting cards, invitations, and other textual records. The scrapbook was created by Nina Seller, Shyla Seller's grandmother, as a gift for Shyla. The contents document milestones in Shyla's life and the life of her family.

Walter Bruce MacDonald collection

  • CA CCOQ C18
  • Cole?
  • [189-?]-2019

The collection consists of records gathered by Walter Bruce MacDonald as research materials and content for a biography of Roderick Charles (R.C.) MacDonald. Records include collected photographs of R.C. MacDonald and his family as well as newspaper clippings, photographs, pamphlets, programs, scrapbooks, reports, speeches, certificates, drawings, correspondence, and copies of the book and digital manuscripts for Walter Bruce MacDonald's biography of R.C. MacDonald entitled, "Catch-as-catch-can."

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The subseries consists of photographs collected by Walter Bruce MacDonald for his biography of R.C. MacDonald. The records are a combination of family photographs and photographs from various sources that were used in the book. More information about the majority of the photographs can be found in the book, "Catch-as-catch-can."

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