- CA CCOQ C6-S01-C6.3
- Pi?ce
- unknown
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
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Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Edgar residence with children out front
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Portrait - Birch Family on Rochester Ave
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Leaving for the Vernon Training Camp
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
The photograph shows (from left to right): Arvid Lillos, Ernie Lillos (in uniform), Mrs. Lillos, Harold Shiefke, Irene Shiefke, Vi Lillos, Carl Lillos, Maureen Lillos (baby).
Windram Residence at 902 Brunette St.
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Richard Whiting in the family greenhouse on Rochester Ave
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Wallace Whiting on Rochester Ave
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Iris Cope at her home at 1320 Como Lake Avenue
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Iris and Herb Cope at their house on Como Lake Ave.
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Wesley Farm with Douglas and Thomas Wesley
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Brown Residence at 548 Cottonwood Ave.
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Emilien Hammond in a garden on Laval Square
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Windram Family picnic at Brunette Creek
Fait partie de Coquitlam Heritage Society collection
Elsie Windram and Betty Henderson at the corner of Brunette and Blue Mountain
Fait partie de Coquitlam Heritage Society collection
John and Alex Windram with Alex McGregor on Brunette Creek
Fait partie de Coquitlam Heritage Society collection
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Photographs of the Dansey family in Mundy Park
Fait partie de Dansey Family fonds
The Christmas card features two photographs mounted on decorated cardboard. The photographs show Mr. and Mrs. G.R. Dansey and their children in Mundy Park. On the back of the card is a greeting from the family and some lines of doggerel.
Fait partie de Champagne Family fonds
The file consists of photographs of the Champagne family. Subject matter includes the family home on Quadling Ave, Brownies, 1st communion, school functions, and Como Lake.
Fait partie de Champagne Family fonds
The series consists of home movies shot by and starring the Champagne family.
Fait partie de Coquitlam Heritage Society collection
Windram Family picnic at Brunette Creek
Fait partie de Coquitlam Heritage Society collection
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection