Events and celebrations



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Events and celebrations

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Events and celebrations

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The file consists of records related to social, fundraising and other events held by the Coquitlam Foundation, including invitations, programs, speech notes and awards lists. Also included in this file are selected records from events at which the Coquitlam Foundation was an attendee or partner organization.

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Awards Event

The file consists of photographs of an event at the Evergreen Cultural Centre.

Caisse Populaire Maillardville Credit Union research materials

The series consists of material given to Boire by Caisse Populaire Maillardville Credit Union, when its assets were sold to VanCity Credit Union.

Record types include photographs and contact sheets, brochures, bulletins, fliers, ephemera, financial statements, minutes and agendas. The series also includes seals used by Caisse Populaire Maillardville Credit Union.

Burquitlam Lions Club fonds

  • CA CCOQ F37
  • Fondo
  • 1962 - 2016

The fonds consists of the administrative and operational records created and received by the Burquitlam Lions Club from 1969 to 2016. The materials are related to the club’s initiatives serving both the local community as well as international programs through Lions International.

The fonds reflects this in the following three series: Administrative and membership records; Newsletters and bulletins, and Events and programs.

The Administration and membership records series consists of records pertaining to the Burquitlam Lions Club's administrative and membership activities. It is divided into four subseries: Membership records, Constitution, policy and procedures; Agendas and minutes; and Correspondence.

The Newsletters and bulletins series consists of newsletters and bulletins created by the Burquitlam Lions Club, and ones received by Lions Club International and District 19 Governors.

The Events and programs series contains records related to specific programs supported by the Burquitlam Lions Club as well as events held in their community.

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Shyla Seller collection

  • CA CCOQ C20
  • Colecci?n
  • [197-] - [20--]

The collection consists of records accumulated by Shyla Seller during her time as a student at Parkland Elementary School, Como Lake Junior Secondary School, and Centennial High School. Records also relate to Shyla’s participation the Olympics of the Mind, a competitive academic event in which participants engage in challenges that test their creative problem solving skills. The collection also includes material related to and created by other members of the Seller family, as well as material related the Hol’n’ One Donut House chain, which was owned by Shyla’s grandparents Bill and Nina Seller.

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Dr. Thomas G. Caunt fonds

  • CA CCOQ F46
  • Fondo
  • 1970

The fonds consists of two scrapbooks and one wooden name plate. The scrapbooks were put together by Dr. Thomas G. Caunt, who worked at Crease Clinic and the Provincial Mental Hospital, Essondale, starting in 1935. He created the scrapbooks for his son and daughter as a record of his employment.

The scrapbooks detail significant moments of Caunt's medical career and personal life during 1934–1968, as well as various events at Essondale Hospital, including the installation of the BC Tel telephone exchange. A significant portion of the scrapbook documents the trips Caunt took in 1949-1950 to move geriatric patients to the new Homes for the Aged in Vernon (Dellview) and Terrace (Skeenaview).

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The series consists of photographs predominantly depicting aspects of social and administrative life at Riverview Hospital and the School of Psychiatric Nursing as well as and Colony Farm. The photographs in the series portray the everyday social life of Riverview Hospital staff and volunteers as well as events, meetings, gatherings, and kinds of work they undertook. Additionally the series depicts scenes of Riverview Hospital's many buildings in varying states of completion, portraits of prize winning livestock (Holstein cattle, Clydesdale and Belgian horses), scenes during periods of flooding at Colony Farm, and equipment, vehicles, and technology used by the Hospital.

The glass plate negatives in Subseries 01 and 04 are known to have been taken by W.J. Moore, a prominent Vancouver photographer. It is possible that the entire collection was taken by W.J. Moore, although it has not been possible to confirm. Some photographs in Subseries 02 are thought to depict the Provincial Hospital for the Insane in New Westminster. Photographs in Subseries 04 are also thought to depict the Dominion Experimental Farm in Agassiz, B.C.

Record types consists largely of silver gelatin negatives in large format cellulose acetate sheets and cellulose acetate film strips. The subseries also contains a collection of glass plate negatives, chromogenic colour negative film strips and large format sheets, silver gelatin DOP prints, a photograph album, and a scrapbook.

Personal Collections

This series consists of records that were original personal fonds and collections acquired and preserved by the Riverview Hospital Historical Society's during its existence. It contains the personal collections of nurses, doctors, general staff, British Columbia's first Provincial Botanist, and a patient at Riverview Hospital. Each file includes records such as study notes, photographs, ephemera, correspondence, newspaper clippings and pamphlets.

The series consists of 15 files, each corresponding to its original creator or donor: Ken Baker, Loretta Barnet, Ultan Patrick Byrne, Jean Campbell, Edna Colvin, John Davidson, Sheila Dumore, William Headridge, Alyce Hockin, Lois Kaldestad, Catherine Murray, Judy Pendry, Dorothy Pocock, Hazel Shepard, and Georgina Bernice Petty.

Photograph Albums - Class and School Event Photographs

The file consists of fourteen albums of photographs compiled by Burquitlam Elementary school, largely depicting student class photographs, but also depicts school events including holiday concerts, Halloween events, athletic events, and community events. The file also contains student register lists that correspond to students in the class photographs.

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Parks and Recreation Department

The file contains newspaper clippings, ephemera, forms, and an organizational chart that document the Parks and Recreation Department's classes, staff, and events. The file significantly pertains to the 1972-1973 Recreation Referendum.

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