Riverview Hospital



Bereik aantekeningen

  • Hospital was known originally as Essondale Hospital (1913 - 1949) and Provincial Mental Hospital, Essondale (1950 - 1964). The hospital was called Riverview Hospital from 1965 until 2012, when it closed.

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Gelijksoortige termen

Riverview Hospital

  • UF Essondale Hospital
  • UF Provincial Mental Hospital, Essondale

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Riverview Hospital

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Coquitlam Teacher-Librarians' Association fonds

  • CA CCOQ F33
  • Archief
  • 1964-2017

The fonds consists of the operational records of the Coquitlam Teacher Librarians' Association from 1964 to 2017. The records include the constitution, meeting minutes, grant and funding information, award information, statistics, contacts lists, and records relating to annual conferences.

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Buildings, Public Works, and Vehicles

This file consists of photographs that depict the buildings, equipment, and grounds of Riverview Hospital, as well as some projects made by individuals in its Industrial Therapy program. The file includes panorama and aerial photographs of Riverview Hospital, as well as photographs of construction and maintenance projects undertaken by the hospital's Public Works Department, such as hospital renovations, excavations, appliance repair, and fire damage. The file also includes repairs on vehicles maintained by the Transport Department. Additionally, this file has photographs of equipment and technology used by hospital workers, including photographs of the audiovisual department, electricians' sub stations, and notably Central Supply Room trays and supply trays for electro-convulsive therapy.

The Industrial Therapy program was originally implemented in 1963 with a focus on developing basic skills that would enable patients to return to a community after hospitalization. These included working on cabinetry, upholstery, metalwork, electronics, etc.

Event records

This subseries consists of event records depicting special events put on by Riverview Hospital. Records include programs, invitations, guestbooks, awards, news releases and planning documents.


This subseries consists of theses and dissertations based on research and findings at Riverview Hospital. It was originally a division in the museum library collection.

Administrative and event records

This subseries consists of records related to administrative, operational, and financial functions at at the School of Psychiatric Nursing as well as records from its events and graduations. The subseries also includes some records from New Westminster Public Hospital for the Insane, with unclear chain of custody.

Record types include manuals, reports, policies and procedures, histories, study notes, staff lists, programs, minutes, pay slips, constitutions, and bylaws.

Dorothy Pocock collected materials

Dorothy Pocock (née Kehler) was born on Feberuary 3, 1913. She attended the School of Psychiatric Nursing from 1940 - 1941 and was an aide at Essondale Hospital from 1957 - 1978. Pocock died on February 8, 2017.

This file contains black and white inkjet prints with names of nurses and doctors, photographs of Pocock at the Riverview Hospital Historical Society museum, as well as an oral history of Pocock's time at Essondale.

Art Talbot collected materials

Art Talbot was the head carpenter building West Lawn and the Chief of the Essondale Fire Brigade B Company. The file contains two scanned genealogical records created by Art Talbot's son, Ron Talbot and 1 photograph of Art Talbot in front of West Lawn.

District of Coquitlam Parks and Recreation Department records

The series documents the activities that Cunnings was involved with and led during his tenure at the District of Coquitlam Parks and Recreation Department and the development of the Department over time.

The series is arranged into files according to subject, and consists of textual records, photographs, ephemera, and newspaper clippings detailing sports, recreational programs and classes, parks and facility development, and events and initiatives undertaken by the Department, such as BC Summer Games, and Coquitlam Centennial celebrations.

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Essondale (Riverview Hospital) photographs

The subseries consists of 13 b&w glass plate negatives depicting the West Lawn building, which opened in 1913, as well as interior shots of various labs and lounges, and the dormitory. There is also a photograph of an unidentified building, and an interior shot of the shoe workshop at the Provincial Hospital for the Insane in New Westminster, B.C.

School of Psychiatric Nursing Records

This series consists of records created and accumulated by the School of Psychiatric Nursing at Riverview Hospital. It includes administrative and financial records that informed the operation of the School, annuals (yearbooks) of each graduating class of the School, the publications accumulated from national psychiatric nursing organizations, as well as graduation and departmental photographs.

Record types in this series include manuals, reports, policies, handbooks, staff lists, event programmes and invitations, minutes, study notes, yearbooks, and publications.

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