Community life



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Community life

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Community life

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Community life

238 Descripci?n archiv?stica resultados para Community life

238 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados

School of Psychiatric Nursing Records

This series consists of records created and accumulated by the School of Psychiatric Nursing at Riverview Hospital. It includes administrative and financial records that informed the operation of the School, annuals (yearbooks) of each graduating class of the School, the publications accumulated from national psychiatric nursing organizations, as well as graduation and departmental photographs.

Record types in this series include manuals, reports, policies, handbooks, staff lists, event programmes and invitations, minutes, study notes, yearbooks, and publications.

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Canadian Federation of University Women - Coquitlam fonds

  • CA CCOQ F38
  • Fondo
  • 1964-2021

The fonds consists of the administrative and operational records of the Canadian Federation of University Women - Coquitlam. Record types include: constitution & bylaws, meeting minutes, newsletters, reports, correspondence, financial records, photographs, and ephemera.

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Maillardville baseball team in Blue Mountain Park

Players names: Back row from left to right: Bill Poole, Bing Proulx, Reg Bolieau, Ray Granger, Laurie Marcellin, Jerry Prolux.
Front row from left to right: Maurice Thomas, Denis Barkley, Bert Brisette, Tony Boileau, Stephen DeCaigney (in front of Tony), Rollie Jarvis, George Messier.

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