Pasta/Processo F01 - Dr. Thomas G. Caunt career scrapbook

Zona do título e menção de responsabilidade

Título próprio

Dr. Thomas G. Caunt career scrapbook

Designação geral do material

  • M?tiplos suportes

Título paralelo

Outra informação do título

Título e menções de responsabilidade

Notas ao título

Nível de descrição


Entidade detentora

Código de referência


Zona de edição

Menção de edição

Menção de responsabilidade da edição

Zona de detalhes específicos de materiais

Menção da escala (cartográfica)

Menção da projecção (cartográfica)

Menção das coordenadas (cartográfico)

Menção da escala (arquitectura)

Autoridade emissora e denominação (filatélica)

Zona de datas de criação


Zona de descrição física

Descrição física

1 scrapbook : 48 pages ; 36 x 30 cm ; brown binding

Zona dos editores das publicações

Título próprio do recurso continuado

Títulos paralelos das publicações do editor

Outra informação do título das publicações do editor

Menção de responsabilidade relativa ao editor do recurso contínuo

Numeração das publicações do editor

Nota sobre as publicações do editor

Zona da descrição do arquivo

Nome do produtor


História biográfica

Thomas Gilbert Brian Caunt was born in Hull, Yorkshire, England to Harry Caunt and Louisa (Cuthbert) Caunt in 1898. In 1903, he came to Canada with his family who settled in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Caunt originally wanted to be a farmer and attended the Manitoba Agricultural College (later University of Manitoba) in 1914 and 1915.

In 1915, Caunt joined the 8th Battalion of the Winnipeg Rifles and was posted overseas with the 1st Division CEF, and served as infantry during The Somme, Ypres, and Passchendaele. He returned to Canada in late 1919. Caunt was a member of the Canadian Legion Post 2 for many years.

After serving in the war, he was determined to become a doctor. He graduated in medicine from the University of Manitoba in 1934. Caunt married Lucy Agnes Sybil Slaughter on April 24, 1935.

Following an internship at the Vancouver General Hospital, Caunt joined the staff of the Provincial Mental Hospital, Essondale in 1935. For many years he was in charge of the care of Veterans at the hospital. In 1952, he became medical superintendent of the hospital and Crease Clinic, a position he held until 1963 when he retired.

In 1954, Caunt became a Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association as well as a certified specialist in psychiatry by the Royal College. He was also a charter member of the Canadian Psychiatric Association.

Caunt died on January 28, 1984.

História custodial

Âmbito e conteúdo

The file contains a scrapbook created by Caunt for his son detailing significant moments of his medical career, during 1943–1968. Photographs and newspaper clippings document the 1943 School of Psychiatric Nursing graduation; various events at Essondale Hospital including the installation of the Hospital's first television, the certification of Crease clinic by the American Psychiatric Association, occupational therapy displays, the installation of a new BC Tel telephone exchange, Christmas parties, retirements, events at Pennington Hall, and the opening of the Industrial Therapy Building. It also documents an event Caunt attended at the Chateau Frontenac in Quebec City held by the Canadian Psychiatric Association.

A significant portion of the scrapbook documents the trips Caunt took in 1949-1950 to move geriatric patients to the new Homes for the Aged in Vernon (Dellview) and Terrace (Skeenaview). The scrapbook features photographs of settlements, including Terrace, McBride, Ocean Falls, Powell River, and geographic features including Lakelse Lake and hot springs, Gold Creek, the Inside Passage and Stanley Park.

Zona das notas

Condição física


Idioma do material

Script do material

Localização de originais

Disponibilidade de outros formatos

Restrições de acesso

Termos que regulam o uso, reprodução e publicação

Some photographs are under copyright. See the Reference Archivist for more information.

Instrumentos de descrição

Materiais associados

Materiais relacionados

Ingressos adicionais

Identificador(es) alternativo(s)

Zona do número normalizado

Número normalizado

Pontos de acesso

Pontos de acesso - Assuntos

Pontos de acesso - Nomes

Pontos de acesso de género

Zona do controlo

Zona da incorporação