Sports, recreation and leisure



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Sports, recreation and leisure

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Sports, recreation and leisure

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Sports, recreation and leisure

114 Archivistische beschrijving results for Sports, recreation and leisure

104 results directly related Exclude narrower terms


The file contains newsletters created by Cunnings related to the British Columbia Provincial Recreation Programme (Pro-Rec), its history and development for a Pro-Rec reunion

Zonder titel

Lady of Lourdes and Como Lake Gymnastics

The file contains photocopies of the different Our Lady of Lourdes and Como Lake Gymnastics teams and events, which Cunnings was involved in teaching. The images depict acrobatics, trampoline, parallel bars, vaulting, still rings, balancing, and human pyramids.

Zonder titel

Subject files

The series consists of Columbian Newspaper clippings, B&W photographs, press releases, and other assorted records arranged by subject. The files were created by Columbian staff members for reference purposes.

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Maillardville baseball team in Blue Mountain Park

Players names: Back row from left to right: Bill Poole, Bing Proulx, Reg Bolieau, Ray Granger, Laurie Marcellin, Jerry Prolux.
Front row from left to right: Maurice Thomas, Denis Barkley, Bert Brisette, Tony Boileau, Stephen DeCaigney (in front of Tony), Rollie Jarvis, George Messier.

BC Summer Games

The file contains records relating to the planning and activities of the 1991 B.C. Summer Games held in Coquitlam. The records consist of newspaper articles, "Spirit of the Games" newsletters, event schedules and event ephemera, as well as financial records, and correspondence.

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Municipal Employees and Politicians

The file exhibits the municipal employees who worked for the District of Coquitlam Parks and Recreation Department, such as sports arena supervisors, managers, recreation council members, as well as politicians such as past mayors and aldermen of the City of Coquitlam. Much of the file documents Cunnings himself, and his contributions as a municipal employee. Records include news clippings, invitations, correspondence, commemorative newsletters and ephemera.

Zonder titel

Sports and Sports Centre

The file consists of records relating to the Coquitlam Sports Centre, its programming, development, and events, including football, baseball, weight lifting, judo, lacrosse, wrestling, hockey, swimming, and skating. Records include ticket stubs, fliers, posters, ribbons, invitations, programs and news clippings. The file also contains records relating to the history of sports in the area.

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Sports Centre Scrapbook

The item consists of a scrapbook containing primarily newspaper clippings as well as some photographs related to the Coquitlam Sports Centre.

Resultaten 61 tot 90 van 114