Olympics of the Mind Scrapbook
- CA CCOQ C20-S03-F03
- Unidad documental compuesta
- 1986
Parte deShyla Seller collection
The item consists of a scrapbook relating to a trip to the Olympics of the Mind competition in Flagstaff, Arizona.
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Olympics of the Mind Scrapbook
Parte deShyla Seller collection
The item consists of a scrapbook relating to a trip to the Olympics of the Mind competition in Flagstaff, Arizona.
Parte deShyla Seller collection
The scrapbook contains photographs, newspaper clippings, greeting cards, invitations, and other textual records. The scrapbook was created by Nina Seller, Shyla Seller's grandmother, as a gift for Shyla. The contents document milestones in Shyla's life and the life of her family.
Walter Bruce MacDonald collection
The collection consists of records gathered by Walter Bruce MacDonald as research materials and content for a biography of Roderick Charles (R.C.) MacDonald. Records include collected photographs of R.C. MacDonald and his family as well as newspaper clippings, photographs, pamphlets, programs, scrapbooks, reports, speeches, certificates, drawings, correspondence, and copies of the book and digital manuscripts for Walter Bruce MacDonald's biography of R.C. MacDonald entitled, "Catch-as-catch-can."
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Dr. Thomas G. Caunt career scrapbook
Parte deDr. Thomas G. Caunt fonds
The file contains a scrapbook created by Caunt for his son detailing significant moments of his medical career, during 1943–1968. Photographs and newspaper clippings document the 1943 School of Psychiatric Nursing graduation; various events at Essondale Hospital including the installation of the Hospital's first television, the certification of Crease clinic by the American Psychiatric Association, occupational therapy displays, the installation of a new BC Tel telephone exchange, Christmas parties, retirements, events at Pennington Hall, and the opening of the Industrial Therapy Building. It also documents an event Caunt attended at the Chateau Frontenac in Quebec City held by the Canadian Psychiatric Association.
A significant portion of the scrapbook documents the trips Caunt took in 1949-1950 to move geriatric patients to the new Homes for the Aged in Vernon (Dellview) and Terrace (Skeenaview). The scrapbook features photographs of settlements, including Terrace, McBride, Ocean Falls, Powell River, and geographic features including Lakelse Lake and hot springs, Gold Creek, the Inside Passage and Stanley Park.
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Dr. Thomas G. Caunt family and career scrapbook
Parte deDr. Thomas G. Caunt fonds
The file contains a scrapbook created by Caunt for his daughter detailing significant moments of his medical career and personal life during 1934–1968. Photographs and newspaper clippings document aspects of Caunt and his wife Lucy's life at the doctor's residences and hospital buildings at Essondale; trips to Stanley Park; a celebration of the 1934 School of Psychiatric Nursing class with doctors and staff held at Dr. Arthur Crease's summer house in Ocean Park, Surrey.
It also depicts various events at Essondale Hospital including the installation of the Hospital's first television, the certification of Crease clinic by the American Psychiatric Association, occupational therapy displays, the installation of a new BC Tel telephone exchange, Christmas parties, retirements, events at Pennington Hall, and the opening of the Industrial Therapy Building. It also documents an event Caunt attended at the Chateau Frontenac in Quebec City held by the Canadian Psychiatric Association and events held at the Empress Hotel in Victoria.
A significant portion of the scrapbook documents the trips Caunt took in 1949-1950 to move geriatric patients to the new Homes for the Aged in Vernon (Dellview) and Terrace (Skeenaview). The scrapbook features photographs of settlements, including Terrace, McBride, Ocean Falls, Powell River, and geographic features including Lakelse Lake and hot springs, Gold Creek, the Inside Passage, the Lion's Gate Bridge, and Stanley Park.
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The file consists of a scrapbook documenting the "Student of the Week" for each week of the school year, alongside photographs of the winning students.
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Scrapbook- Coquitlam P-T Council 1970-1971
The item consists of a large pin-bound scrapbook with newspaper clippings, meeting notes, newsletters, programs, and magazine clippings, relating to the Parent Teacher Council for School District No. 43 in the early 1970s.
School District No. 43 collection
The collection consists of records relating to School District No. 43 and schools in Coquitlam. The records include formal class portraits, staff portraits, scrapbooks, newspaper clippings, school publications and newspapers, school annuals, and an assortment of crests.
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ArtsConnect Tri-Cities Arts Council fonds
The ArtsConnect Tri-Cities Arts Council fonds consists of the records created and received by the arts council and reflects its exhibitions and events, programs, workshops, awards and scholarships, fundraising, and advocacy for the arts in the Tri-Cities, predominantly from 1990 to 2008.
The fonds consists of a record types including minutes, reports, constitutions, correspondence, event planning files, production and exhibition files, newspaper clippings, newsletters, publications, plans, programmes, a scrapbook, promotional materials, and photographs depicting the many arts and cultural initiatives ArtsConnect organized and sponsored.
The fonds is arranged into seven series by the archivist. See the Physical condition and Arrangement note below for more information.
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Parte deDon Cunnings fonds
The file consists of scrapbooks created by Don Cunnings.
The fonds consists of records created and accumulated by Don Cunnings, documenting his involvement in sport and recreation in Coquitlam. The archivist arranged the fonds into three series. One series documents the activities of Cunnings during his tenure at the District of Coquitlam Parks and Recreation Department. The second series consists of personal and professional records accumulated by Cunnings, documenting his various professional positions for reference and posterity. The third series consists of photographs and other media.
The records include photographs, newspaper clippings, newsletters, correspondence, recorded documentaries, three scrapbooks, and assorted textual records and ephemera.
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Riverview Hospital Historical Society collection
The Riverview Hospital Historical Society collection consists of the records collected and maintained by the Riverview Hospital Historical Society (RHHS). Through their museum and library, the RHHS acquired and stewarded records documenting the history of Riverview Hospital, the British Columbia School of Psychiatric Nursing, and the history of psychiatric care in British Columbia.
The collection consists of a range of documentary forms, including: reports, theses, newspaper clippings, newsletters, publications, correspondence, manuals, plans and drawings, directories, inventories, procedures, programmes, annuals, invitations, motion pictures, personal narratives, staff lists, minutes, study notes, scrapbooks, ephemera, and photographs depicting aspects of social and administrative life at the hospital and school.
The collection is arranged into ten series that reflect original collections maintained by the RHHS, and are organized by media type or content. See the Arrangement note below for more information.
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Coquitlam Figure Skating Club scrapbook
Parte deCoquitlam Skating Club fonds
The series consists of a scrapbook prepared by a member of the Coquitlam Figure Skating Club to organize photographs of members that were left unclaimed. The scrapbook was initially put together during the 1968-69 season but covers the years 1963 to 1980.
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R.C. MacDonald Political records
The series consists of records related to Roderick Charles (R.C.) MacDonald's political career as Reeve of the Corporation of the District of Coquitlam (1924-1941), as a Member of the Legislative Assembly for the Dewdney riding (1941-1952), and as Minister of Mines (1946-1949) and Minister of Municipal Affairs (1949-1952). The records include speeches, newspaper clippings, election materials, and two large scrapbooks that were prepared by staff in his constituency office. The scrapbooks include newspaper clippings, photographs, invitations, programs, pamphlets, and other assorted records.
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The subseries consists of formal class portraits and staff portraits; photographs of student activities; certificates documenting the awards, appreciation and commendation of the school and the success of its programs; and some photographic slides and textual records about the school's potential closure in 1987.
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Hoy-Scott Watershed Society fonds
The Hoy-Scott Watershed Society fonds consists of the records created and received by the Hoy-Scott Watershed Society and reflects its hatchery operations, salmonid enhancement and environmental stewardship programs, events, and environmental advocacy initiatives in the larger Coquitlam Watershed.
The fonds consists of administrative records, reports, correspondence, event planning files, newspaper clippings, newsletters, publications, plans, a scrapbook, promotional materials, and photographs documenting the activities of the Hoy-Scott Watershed Society and the operations of the Hoy Creek Hatchery in Coquitlam.
The fonds was arranged into four series by the archivist. See the Physical condition and Arrangement note below for more information.
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Exhibitions, events, and media coverage
The series consists of records produced and accumulated by ArtsConnect in the course of planning, organizing, and mounting arts and culture exhibitions and events. ArtsConnect organized many exhibitions covering a wide range of media: painting, sculpture, photography, performing arts, decorative arts, and video art. Annual exhibitions featured in the series include Works in 3D, Faces of the World Arts and Culture Festival, Vernissage, and Innovations. The series also includes the media coverage of events and exhibitions.
The resulting records are largely textual in form and include correspondence with artists and exhibitors, press releases, art and artist lists, exhibition proposals, application forms, internal memos and scheduling documents, installation records, artist CVs, contracts, didactics, artists' statements, promotional materials, invitations, condition reports, loan agreement forms, and newspaper clippings. Some audio and visual material, including photographs, installation plans, cassette tapes, and magnetic tapes, are also present.
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The series consists of two scrapbooks containing news clippings related to the Coquitlam Satellites games and tournaments and photographs of the games and players.
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Parte deCity of Coquitlam fonds
The file consists of two scrapbooks containing news clippings about the achievements of the Parks, Recreation, Culture and Facilities department in the early 1970s. The first volume covers the years from 1975 to 1976 and the second volume covers the years 1977-1978.
Parte deBurquitlam Lions Club fonds
The series contains records related to events held and specific programs supported by the Burquitlam Lions Club from 1969 to 2018. The Burquitlam Lions Club organized annual Christmas hampers, Easter Egg hunts, and meat draws. They also supported hearing aid and eyeglass initiatives, Easter Seals camps, and notably funded two care centres: the Burquitlam Lions Intermediate Care Centre (1981-2016) and L.J. Christmas Manor Seniors Home.
Record types include event planning materials and timelines, correspondence, guestbooks, newspaper clippings, as well as activity reports, photographs, and scrapbooks.
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Parte deShyla Seller collection
This series consists of records related to the Olympics of the Mind: a competitive academic event in which participants engage in challenges that test their creative problem solving skills. Shyla and a group of her classmates represented Coquitlam District #43 at the 1986 World Finals in Flagstaff, Arizona.
Parte deShyla Seller collection
This series consists of miscellaneous items including swimming report cards and a scrapbook.
Canadian Federation of University Women - Coquitlam fonds
The fonds consists of the administrative and operational records of the Canadian Federation of University Women - Coquitlam. Record types include: constitution & bylaws, meeting minutes, newsletters, reports, correspondence, financial records, photographs, and ephemera.
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The series consists of photographs predominantly depicting events held by the Hoy Scott Watershed Society, including Salmon Come Home, Salmon Leave Home, Fry Releases, Trail Clean Ups, and field trips. The series also documents the habitat of Hoy and Scott Creek during different seasons as well as construction, excavation, and changes to the hatchery and rearing ponds.
Record types include a scrapbook, silver gelatin negatives in large format cellulose acetate sheets, silver gelatin DOP prints, chromogenic colour negative film strips, slides, and prints.
Parte deDon Cunnings fonds
The file consists of records relating to the Coquitlam Sports Centre, its programming, development, and events, including football, baseball, weight lifting, judo, lacrosse, wrestling, hockey, swimming, and skating. Records include ticket stubs, fliers, posters, ribbons, invitations, programs and news clippings. The file also contains records relating to the history of sports in the area.
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The item consists of a scrapbook containing photographs that depict life in the construction camp for the second phase of the Coquitlam Dam between 1912 and 1913. The photographs show the camp, the bridge, Coquitlam Lake, salmon jumping in the lake, panoramic vistas, and social activities like rat catching, boating, and picnics.
Parte deDon Cunnings fonds
The item consists of a scrapbook containing primarily newspaper clippings as well as some photographs related to the Coquitlam Sports Centre.
Photographs, Slides and Scrapbooks
Parte deDon Cunnings fonds
The series consists of photographs, slides, and scrapbooks created or collected by Don Cunnings throughout the course of his life and work.
The fonds consists of the administrative and operational records created and received by the Burquitlam Lions Club from 1969 to 2016. The materials are related to the club’s initiatives serving both the local community as well as international programs through Lions International.
The fonds reflects this in the following three series: Administrative and membership records; Newsletters and bulletins, and Events and programs.
The Administration and membership records series consists of records pertaining to the Burquitlam Lions Club's administrative and membership activities. It is divided into four subseries: Membership records, Constitution, policy and procedures; Agendas and minutes; and Correspondence.
The Newsletters and bulletins series consists of newsletters and bulletins created by the Burquitlam Lions Club, and ones received by Lions Club International and District 19 Governors.
The Events and programs series contains records related to specific programs supported by the Burquitlam Lions Club as well as events held in their community.
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The collection consists of records accumulated by Shyla Seller during her time as a student at Parkland Elementary School, Como Lake Junior Secondary School, and Centennial High School. Records also relate to Shyla’s participation the Olympics of the Mind, a competitive academic event in which participants engage in challenges that test their creative problem solving skills. The collection also includes material related to and created by other members of the Seller family, as well as material related the Hol’n’ One Donut House chain, which was owned by Shyla’s grandparents Bill and Nina Seller.
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