- CA CCOQ F20-S02-F20.871
- Item
- 1951
Part of Craig Hodge fonds
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Part of Craig Hodge fonds
Part of Harris Family collection
Part of Harris Family collection
The series consists of seven class portraits from 1960 to 1966 and two from the 1920s, as well as four additional photographs including a portrait of Joseph William Harris and his family ca. 1912 ; two photographs depicting two separate properties in Coquitlam; and a photograph of the Coquitlam float in the 1945 May Day Parade in New Westminster.
Photographs - Portraits of Reeves and Mayors
Part of City of Coquitlam fonds
The series primarily consists of portrait photographs of former Reeves (later Mayors), but also contains one portrait of a former Councillor (R.J.C. Atkins).
Part of Craig Hodge fonds
The series consists of records produced and accumulated as part of Craig Hodge's duties on the Pioneer Tales Committee Book Committee. The series includes photographs in the form of copy negatives and prints, as well as some original prints, and assorted documentation.
Part of Dansey Family fonds
The item consists of a photograph of Frank H. Dansey in his soldier's uniform.