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3 Descripci?n archiv?stica resultados para Pamphlets

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ArtsConnect Tri-Cities Arts Council fonds

  • CA CCOQ F39
  • Fondo
  • 1964 - 2018

The ArtsConnect Tri-Cities Arts Council fonds consists of the records created and received by the arts council and reflects its exhibitions and events, programs, workshops, awards and scholarships, fundraising, and advocacy for the arts in the Tri-Cities, predominantly from 1990 to 2008.

The fonds consists of a record types including minutes, reports, constitutions, correspondence, event planning files, production and exhibition files, newspaper clippings, newsletters, publications, plans, programmes, a scrapbook, promotional materials, and photographs depicting the many arts and cultural initiatives ArtsConnect organized and sponsored.

The fonds is arranged into seven series by the archivist. See the Physical condition and Arrangement note below for more information.

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Exhibitions, events, and media coverage

The series consists of records produced and accumulated by ArtsConnect in the course of planning, organizing, and mounting arts and culture exhibitions and events. ArtsConnect organized many exhibitions covering a wide range of media: painting, sculpture, photography, performing arts, decorative arts, and video art. Annual exhibitions featured in the series include Works in 3D, Faces of the World Arts and Culture Festival, Vernissage, and Innovations. The series also includes the media coverage of events and exhibitions.

The resulting records are largely textual in form and include correspondence with artists and exhibitors, press releases, art and artist lists, exhibition proposals, application forms, internal memos and scheduling documents, installation records, artist CVs, contracts, didactics, artists' statements, promotional materials, invitations, condition reports, loan agreement forms, and newspaper clippings. Some audio and visual material, including photographs, installation plans, cassette tapes, and magnetic tapes, are also present.

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Subject files

The series consists of promotional fliers, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and other assorted materials made by other organizations that ArtsConnect promoted or interacted with regularly. The files were created by ArtsConnect board members for reference purposes.

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