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45 Descri??o arquiv?stica resultados para Horses
45 resultados diretamente relacionados Excluir termos específicos
Buggy and horse team, outside corral (Colony Farm)
- CA CCOQ C5-S01-SS01-GN161
- Item
- ca. 1912
Sem título
Unidentified Clydesdale horse , with handler (Colony Farm)
- CA CCOQ C5-S01-SS01-GN170
- Item
- ca. 1912
Sem título
Unidentified Clydesdalehorse , with handler (Colony Farm)
- CA CCOQ C5-S01-SS01-GN171
- Item
- ca. 1912
Sem título
Clydesdales with plow and farmer
- CA CCOQ C5-S01-SS03-CF.014
- Item
- [191-]
Barn with horse team hitched to a wagon
- CA CCOQ C5-S01-SS03-CF.017
- Item
- [191-]
Horse-drawn ploughs at Colony Farm
- CA CCOQ C6-S01-C6.611
- Item
- 1913
Parte de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Bob Gardner and a four-horse plough at Colony Farm
- CA CCOQ C6-S01-C6.633
- Item
- 192?
Parte de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Two Clydesdale plow teams in field, with West Lawn building under construction in the background
- CA CCOQ C5-S01-SS03-CF.015
- Item
- [191-]
Riverview Hospital Historical Society collection
- Cole?
- 1870 - 2020
The Riverview Hospital Historical Society collection consists of the records collected and maintained by the Riverview Hospital Historical Society (RHHS). Through their museum and library, the RHHS acquired and stewarded records documenting the history of Riverview Hospital, the British Columbia School of Psychiatric Nursing, and the history of psychiatric care in British Columbia.
The collection consists of a range of documentary forms, including: reports, theses, newspaper clippings, newsletters, publications, correspondence, manuals, plans and drawings, directories, inventories, procedures, programmes, annuals, invitations, motion pictures, personal narratives, staff lists, minutes, study notes, scrapbooks, ephemera, and photographs depicting aspects of social and administrative life at the hospital and school.
The collection is arranged into ten series that reflect original collections maintained by the RHHS, and are organized by media type or content. See the Arrangement note below for more information.
Sem título
Mr. Stuart with Terra Nova Clydesdale prepped for showing (Colony Farm)
- CA CCOQ C5-S01-SS01-GN165
- Item
- ca. 1912
Sem título
Unidentified Clydesdale horse, with handler, D. Montgomery (Colony Farm)
- CA CCOQ C5-S01-SS01-GN167
- Item
- ca. 1912
Sem título
Unidentified Clydesdalehorse , with handler (Colony Farm)
- CA CCOQ C5-S01-SS01-GN169
- Item
- ca. 1912
Sem título
- CA CCOQ C5-S10
- S?ries
- 1908 - 1998
This series consists of records related to the construction and operations on Colony Farm at Riverview Hospital. The materials relate to the original construction planning and dyking done to create Colony Farm, as well as some of the early auction and sale records of cattle and horses.
Record types include correspondence, financial records, agreements, receipts, a certificate, and policy material.
Horse-drawn ploughs at Colony Farm
- CA CCOQ C6-S01-C6.626
- Item
- 1913
Parte de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Three sets of clydesdale teams ploughing a field in front of the barns
- CA CCOQ C5-S01-SS03-CF.004
- Item
- [191-]