Mrs. Borghild Locken outside her house during the 1948 flood
- CA CCOQ C6-S01-C6.1036
- Unidad documental simple
- 1948
Parte deCoquitlam 100 Years collection
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Mrs. Borghild Locken outside her house during the 1948 flood
Parte deCoquitlam 100 Years collection
Hank Locken with his dog during the 1948 flood
Parte deCoquitlam 100 Years collection
Parte deCoquitlam 100 Years collection
The photograph depicts the Captain of a large cargo ship that gave Esther Pett the stone for her ring.
Fashioned rowboat during the Fraser Mills flood
Parte deCoquitlam 100 Years collection
Parte deCoquitlam 100 Years collection
Group photograph at Fraser Mills with a 110 foot long piece of timber
Parte deCoquitlam 100 Years collection
Parte deCoquitlam 100 Years collection
Finished product being discharged from Fraser Mills by Sikh workers
Parte deCoquitlam 100 Years collection
Group at the Fraser Mills Train Station
Parte deCoquitlam 100 Years collection
Men and women lined up behind a long timber mast at Fraser Mills
Parte deCoquitlam 100 Years collection
Edmund and Garry May Colchester fonds
The fonds consists of research materials created and accumulated by Edmund and Garry May Colchester in the 1970s. The material was created and accumulated in the preparation of a final report entitled "Contrasting Philosophies in Workers' Housing in Two Mill Villages: Fraser Mills Townsite and Maillardville - A Brief History”. The fonds also contains several versions of the final reports, as well as other academic writing.
Materials include photographs of houses in Maillardville and Fraser Mills, aerial photographs of Fraser Mills, maps (hand-drawn and copies), promotional materials for Crown Zellerbach, as well as other materials accumulated during the research process.
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Parte deCoquitlam 100 Years collection
The photograph depicts a hazing ritual at Fraser Mills called "The Test." When passed, the person would be qualified to work peeling and grading logs. (From left to right) Lyle Huff, Dennis Whiting, Ive Bernarden, Bert Madson, Hjalmar Ronnlund
Trial of strikers at Fraser Mills outside of Municipal Hall
Parte deCoquitlam 100 Years collection
Carl Lillos with his dog at the Fraser Mills clubhouse
Parte deCoquitlam 100 Years collection
Kay Martin and Rosa Marie Crandell in a makeshift boat during the 1948 flood
Parte deCoquitlam 100 Years collection
Fraser Mills' baseball team plays a home game at Mackin Park
Parte deCoquitlam 100 Years collection