Fraser Mills



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Fraser Mills

Fraser Mills

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Fraser Mills

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Fraser Mills

312 Archivistische beschrijving results for Fraser Mills

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Fenton Family collection

  • CA CCOQ C7
  • Collectie
  • [194?] - [199?]

The collection consists of 8 photographs related to the Fenton Family and Fraser Mills. The photographs depict the mill site as well as social gatherings of Fraser Mills employees (dinners and golf tournaments). The collection also includes two advertising posters produced by the Canadian Western Lumber Company Limited and Crown Zellerbach. Finally, the collection includes a Crown Zellerbach patch/label and 6 sets of construction plans for wooden boats that would have been produced using wood sourced from Fraser Mills.


The subseries consists of photographs collected by Walter Bruce MacDonald for his biography of R.C. MacDonald. The records are a combination of family photographs and photographs from various sources that were used in the book. More information about the majority of the photographs can be found in the book, "Catch-as-catch-can."

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