Riverview Hospital



Bereik aantekeningen

  • Hospital was known originally as Essondale Hospital (1913 - 1949) and Provincial Mental Hospital, Essondale (1950 - 1964). The hospital was called Riverview Hospital from 1965 until 2012, when it closed.

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Gelijksoortige termen

Riverview Hospital

  • UF Essondale Hospital
  • UF Provincial Mental Hospital, Essondale

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Riverview Hospital

175 Archivistische beschrijving results for Riverview Hospital

48 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Coquitlam 100 Years collection

  • CA CCOQ C6
  • Collectie
  • 1988-1991

The collection consists of approx. 640 photographic prints used for the "Coquitlam 100 Years: Reflections of the Past" publication produced by the District of Coquitlam in 1991. The collection also includes the transcripts of interviews used in the publication as well as the administrative files of the Pioneer Tales of Coquitlam Committee and various publications and pamphlets used for contextual information for the book.

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Helena Regehr Wiebe fonds

  • CA CCOQ F23
  • Archief
  • 1944-1947

The fonds consists of four Annuals (1944-1947) from the School of Nursing, Provincial Mental Hospital, Essondale as well as a selection of graduation portraits from the School of Nursing. The fonds also includes a photograph of the Essondale Medical Staff and the Superintendent of Nursing (Mona E. Parsons). Finally, the fonds includes a graduation diploma, transcript, and staff card for Helen Regehr.

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Dr. Thomas G. Caunt fonds

  • CA CCOQ F46
  • Archief
  • 1970

The fonds consists of two scrapbooks and one wooden name plate. The scrapbooks were put together by Dr. Thomas G. Caunt, who worked at Crease Clinic and the Provincial Mental Hospital, Essondale, starting in 1935. He created the scrapbooks for his son and daughter as a record of his employment.

The scrapbooks detail significant moments of Caunt's medical career and personal life during 1934–1968, as well as various events at Essondale Hospital, including the installation of the BC Tel telephone exchange. A significant portion of the scrapbook documents the trips Caunt took in 1949-1950 to move geriatric patients to the new Homes for the Aged in Vernon (Dellview) and Terrace (Skeenaview).

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