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13 Archivistische beschrijving results for Education

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John Johnstone fonds

  • CA CCOQ F27
  • Archief
  • 1959-1963

The fonds consists of several photographs including two class portraits from Our Lady of Fatima School (Grade 4 French from 1959-1960 and Grade 6 French from 1961-1962); a baseball team photograph of the SO Coquitlam Allstars from 1963; and a photograph of Fernand and Julienne Filiatrault with Father Gérard Leduc and Father Denomee Trenomme from Lady of Fatima Church.

Maillardville records

The series consists of the following: A copy of the submission to the Canada Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism entitled "Maillardville French-Canadians"; several copies of the Maillardville Official Community Plan; a copy of the program for the Millside School's 80th Anniversary; a Parish Report from Notre Dame de Lourdes; a history of the Maillardville pioneers; Commercial design guidelines for Maillardville; and a copy of the "Bonjour Maillardville" newsletter from the Société Maillardville-Uni.

Nicklen Family fonds

  • CA CCOQ F40
  • Archief
  • 194?

The fonds consists of one panoramic photograph and one postcard. The panorama depicts the students and teachers from Our Lady of Lourdes school posed in front of the school buildings and Our Lady of Lourdes Church. The postcard from 1908 is addressed to Miss Sadie Lougheed, Coquitlam BC.

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