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5 Descripci?n archiv?stica resultados para Education

3 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados

School District No. 43 collection

  • CA CCOQ C1
  • Colecci?n
  • 1926-1998

The collection consists of records relating to School District No. 43 and schools in Coquitlam. The records include formal class portraits, staff portraits, scrapbooks, newspaper clippings, school publications and newspapers, school annuals, and an assortment of crests.

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Burquitlam Elementary School

The subseries consists of formal class portraits and staff portraits; photographs of student activities; certificates documenting the awards, appreciation and commendation of the school and the success of its programs; and some photographic slides and textual records about the school's potential closure in 1987.

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Hat with badges

This item consists of one red baseball hat with assorted badges and pins attached. The badges and pins represent different American states and were accumulated during the course of the Olympics of the Mind 1986 tournament in Flagstaff, Arizona. The team members wore these hats during the tournament.


The series consists of records relating to schools in School District No. 43. The series includes class photographs, correspondence, scrapbooks, school annuals, and various crests.