Colony Farm
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Colony Farm
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Colony Farm
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Colony Farm
224 Archivistische beschrijving results for Colony Farm
224 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
Main barn with new corral, small out buildings (Colony Farm)
- CA CCOQ C5-S01-SS01-GN77
- Stuk
- ca. 1912
Zonder titel
Cow with handler - Acme Sadie Pauline (Colony Farm)
- CA CCOQ C5-S01-SS01-GN84
- Stuk
- ca. 1912
Zonder titel
Cow - Netherland Sergis 2nd, with handler (Colony Farm)
- CA CCOQ C5-S01-SS01-GN102
- Stuk
- ca. 1912
Zonder titel
Cow - Princess Hengerveld, with handler (Colony Farm)
- CA CCOQ C5-S01-SS01-GN108
- Stuk
- ca. 1912
Zonder titel
People walking along main road during flood (Colony Farm)
- CA CCOQ C5-S01-SS01-GN157
- Stuk
- [1921?]
Zonder titel
Buggy and horse team, outside corral (Colony Farm)
- CA CCOQ C5-S01-SS01-GN161
- Stuk
- ca. 1912
Zonder titel
Unidentified Clydesdale horse , with handler (Colony Farm)
- CA CCOQ C5-S01-SS01-GN170
- Stuk
- ca. 1912
Zonder titel
Unidentified Clydesdalehorse , with handler (Colony Farm)
- CA CCOQ C5-S01-SS01-GN171
- Stuk
- ca. 1912
Zonder titel
- CA CCOQ C5-S01-SS01-GN193
- Stuk
- unknown
Zonder titel
Bull - Shadeland Prince No. 114497 (Colony Farm)
- CA CCOQ C5-S01-SS01-GN21
- Stuk
- ca. 1912
Zonder titel
Resultaten 1 tot 30 van 224