Colony Farm



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Colony Farm

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Colony Farm

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Colony Farm

224 Descripci?n archiv?stica resultados para Colony Farm

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Coquitlam 100 Years collection

  • CA CCOQ C6
  • Colecci?n
  • 1988-1991

The collection consists of approx. 640 photographic prints used for the "Coquitlam 100 Years: Reflections of the Past" publication produced by the District of Coquitlam in 1991. The collection also includes the transcripts of interviews used in the publication as well as the administrative files of the Pioneer Tales of Coquitlam Committee and various publications and pamphlets used for contextual information for the book.

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The series consists of photographs predominantly depicting aspects of social and administrative life at Riverview Hospital and the School of Psychiatric Nursing as well as and Colony Farm. The photographs in the series portray the everyday social life of Riverview Hospital staff and volunteers as well as events, meetings, gatherings, and kinds of work they undertook. Additionally the series depicts scenes of Riverview Hospital's many buildings in varying states of completion, portraits of prize winning livestock (Holstein cattle, Clydesdale and Belgian horses), scenes during periods of flooding at Colony Farm, and equipment, vehicles, and technology used by the Hospital.

The glass plate negatives in Subseries 01 and 04 are known to have been taken by W.J. Moore, a prominent Vancouver photographer. It is possible that the entire collection was taken by W.J. Moore, although it has not been possible to confirm. Some photographs in Subseries 02 are thought to depict the Provincial Hospital for the Insane in New Westminster. Photographs in Subseries 04 are also thought to depict the Dominion Experimental Farm in Agassiz, B.C.

Record types consists largely of silver gelatin negatives in large format cellulose acetate sheets and cellulose acetate film strips. The subseries also contains a collection of glass plate negatives, chromogenic colour negative film strips and large format sheets, silver gelatin DOP prints, a photograph album, and a scrapbook.

Personal Collections

This series consists of records that were original personal fonds and collections acquired and preserved by the Riverview Hospital Historical Society's during its existence. It contains the personal collections of nurses, doctors, general staff, British Columbia's first Provincial Botanist, and a patient at Riverview Hospital. Each file includes records such as study notes, photographs, ephemera, correspondence, newspaper clippings and pamphlets.

The series consists of 15 files, each corresponding to its original creator or donor: Ken Baker, Loretta Barnet, Ultan Patrick Byrne, Jean Campbell, Edna Colvin, John Davidson, Sheila Dumore, William Headridge, Alyce Hockin, Lois Kaldestad, Catherine Murray, Judy Pendry, Dorothy Pocock, Hazel Shepard, and Georgina Bernice Petty.

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