Buildings and structures



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Buildings and structures

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Buildings and structures

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Buildings and structures

3 Archivistische beschrijving results for Buildings and structures

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Riverview Hospital Historical Society collection

  • CA CCOQ C5
  • Collectie
  • 1870 - 2020

The Riverview Hospital Historical Society collection consists of the records collected and maintained by the Riverview Hospital Historical Society (RHHS). Through their museum and library, the RHHS acquired and stewarded records documenting the history of Riverview Hospital, the British Columbia School of Psychiatric Nursing, and the history of psychiatric care in British Columbia.

The collection consists of a range of documentary forms, including: reports, theses, newspaper clippings, newsletters, publications, correspondence, manuals, plans and drawings, directories, inventories, procedures, programmes, annuals, invitations, motion pictures, personal narratives, staff lists, minutes, study notes, scrapbooks, ephemera, and photographs depicting aspects of social and administrative life at the hospital and school.

The collection is arranged into ten series that reflect original collections maintained by the RHHS, and are organized by media type or content. See the Arrangement note below for more information.

Zonder titel

Internal and external committees

The series consists of records produced and accumulated by ArtsConnect while participating in various internal and external committees and task forces. Records include minutes, agendas, reports, correspondence and supplementary documentation related to arts initiatives, tourism programs, and notably the establishment of a performing arts centre in the Tri-Cities and a "cultural tourism" program.

Zonder titel

Riverview Hospital Plans and Drawings

This series consists of copies of large format architectural plans of the buildings and grounds of Riverview Hospital, as well as some engineering drawings of drainage and water systems.

The drawings and plans depict Essondale, the Boys Industrial School (BISCO), Crease Clinic, East Lawn, and the proposed Female Chronic Building.