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Arts and culture

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"Moments of Reflection" - Coquitlam Centennial Songs

The series consists of one audio cassette containing different versions of Coquitlam's Centennial Song entitled "Coquitlam, My Town" as well as assorted compositions entitled "Song to My Friend," "I Thank You All," "On Your Very Special Day," "Why Did You Leave So Soon," "Singer's Prayer," and "I Love You Mom."

Coquitlam Centennial materials

The series consists of one audio cassette containing different versions of Coquitlam's Centennial Song as well as assorted compositions.

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"Coquitlam, My Town"

The item consists of a piece of sheet music composed in honour of Coquitlam's centennial in 1991. The song was composed by Del Gachallan and is entitled, "Coquitlam, My Town." The song dedication message reads, "This song is dedicated to the Coquitlam Centennial Committee and volunteers, the Mayor and Members of Council, the Hillcrest Elementary School Choir, to all Coquitlam residents and to my family and friends."

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