Hobbis Family on their farm at Como Lake Ave and Clarke Road
- CA CCOQ C6-S01-C6.403
- Pi?ce
- 1933
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
14 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
Hobbis Family on their farm at Como Lake Ave and Clarke Road
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
House, barn, and cow on the Alexander Farm at Smith Avenue and Fairview Street
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
John Greenall on his Poultry Farm at Smith Avenue and Fairview Street
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Shepherd's Bush - a ten acre property at Clarke Road and Como Lake Road
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
The photograph features George Shepherd, Hannah Forster, Mary and Vera Forster
Vegetable exhibition at the Agricultural Hall
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Richard Whiting in the family greenhouse on Rochester Ave
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Cap Hobbis with a dog on a hay bale
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Bessie and Nellie Hobbis on the family farm at Como Lake Ave and Clarke Road
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Tom Hobbis in front of the family farm
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Ducks at a farm at Como Lake Ave and Clarke Road
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Gerald (Cap) Hobbis on the Hobbis Family farm
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection
Poultry barn at Smith Avenue and Fairview Street
Fait partie de Coquitlam 100 Years collection