File F01 - Aerial Photographs 1963

Flight Path Legend Map 1963 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:24 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:25 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:26 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:27 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:28 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:29 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:161 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:162 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:163 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:164 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:165 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:166 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:167 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:168 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:170 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:171 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:172 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:173 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:174 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:175 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:176 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:177 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:178 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:179 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:180 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:181 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:182 Flight Path #1 - BC 5060:183 Flight Path #2 - BC 5059:189
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Open original Photographs and Documents

Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

Aerial Photographs 1963

General material designation

Parallel title

Other title information

Title statements of responsibility

Title notes

Level of description


Reference code


Edition area

Edition statement

Edition statement of responsibility

Class of material specific details area

Statement of scale (cartographic)

Statement of projection (cartographic)

Statement of coordinates (cartographic)

Statement of scale (architectural)

Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)

Dates of creation area


Physical description area

Physical description

141 photographs : b&w ; 25 x 25 cm
1 map : 19.5 x 24 cm

Publisher's series area

Title proper of publisher's series

Parallel titles of publisher's series

Other title information of publisher's series

Statement of responsibility relating to publisher's series

Numbering within publisher's series

Note on publisher's series

Archival description area

Name of creator


Administrative history

The Dept. of Lands, Forests and Water Resources was established in 1908 under its first name, the Dept. of Lands (Department of Lands Act, SBC 1908, c. 31). Before 1908 the agencies responsible for the functions of the Dept. of Lands, Forests and Water resources were: (1) the Dept. of Lands and Works (Crown lands management, sales, pre-emptions and leases, lands surveying and mapping, timber inspection, forest protection and log scaling), and (2) the Dept. of Mines (water rights in regards to mining operations). The Dept. of Lands, headed by the Chief Commissioner of Lands, was given responsibility for public lands and water rights, and all matters connected therewith. (SBC 1908, c. 31, s. 5). These responsibilities included: (1) the management of all public lands, as per the Land Act, (RSBC 1897, c. 113); (2) administration of water rights, as per the Water Clauses Consolidation Act, (RSBC 1897, c. 191) [in 1892 by means of the Water Privileges Act (SBC 1892, c. 47), the government had reserved to itself the right to manage all water resources in the province that were unreserved and un-appropriated as of April 23, 1892]; and (3) land settlement programs for returned soldiers. In 1909, the enactment of the Water Act (SBC 1909, c. 48) resulted in the creation of the Water Rights Branch of the Dept. of Lands, under the management of the Chief Water Commissioner (re-named Comptroller of Water Rights in 1912). This legislation also resulted in the creation of Water Districts under the management of District Engineers, who would be responsible for management in the field of the Branchs responsibilities. In 1911, the Timber Department, including Timber Inspectors, forest protection services and log scaling operations, was transferred from the Dept. of Public Works to the Dept. of Lands. In 1912, the management of timber resources was formally added to the departments responsibilities with the enactment of the Forest Act (SBC 1912, c. 17). To accommodate these new responsibilities, the Forest Branch, under the Chief Forester, was created in the Dept. of Lands. In 1945, the Dept. of Lands was renamed the Dept. of Lands and Forests (Department of Lands Act Amendment Act, SBC 1945, c. 45). At this time, the department was reorganized into two branches, the Lands Service and the Forests Service. In 1962, the Dept. of Lands and Forests was renamed the Dept. of Lands, Forests, and Water Resources (Department of Lands and Forests Act Amendment Act, SBC 1962, c. 22). At this time, the department was reorganized into three branches, the B.C. Lands Service, the B.C. Forest Service, and the B.C. Water Resources Service. On December 23, 1975, the Dept. of Lands, Forests and Water Resources ceased to exist. The government established two new agencies, the Dept. of Forests and the Dept. of Environment, to replace it (OIC 3838/75). All activities associated with the forestry function were transferred to the Dept. of Forests (OIC 3849/75, 3868/75). With one minor exception, the remaining functions of the Dept. of Lands, Forests, and Water Resources were transferred to the Dept. of Environment (OIC 3843/75, 3844/75, 3846/75, 3852/75). In 1976, these organizational changes were reiterated in legislation (SBC 1976, c. 18)

Custodial history

Scope and content

The file consists of aerial photographs of the Coquitlam area organized by flight path.

Notes area

Physical condition


The photographs have been arranged according to the flight path number indicated on the photographs. The numbers correspond to the flight path map (see

Language of material

Script of material

Location of originals

Availability of other formats

Restrictions on access

Terms governing use, reproduction, and publication

Associated materials

Related materials


General note

The file is comprised of nine parts.

Alternative identifier(s)

Standard number area

Standard number

Access points

Subject access points

Place access points

Name access points

Genre access points

Control area

Photographs and Documents (Master) rights area

Photographs and Documents (Reference) rights area

Photographs and Documents (Thumbnail) rights area

Accession area

Related subjects

Related people and organizations

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