- CA CCOQ F18-S07
- Series
- 1992-1997
The series consists of administrative records produced by the Association such as contact lists and membership lists.
Eagle Ridge Residents' Association
The series consists of administrative records produced by the Association such as contact lists and membership lists.
Eagle Ridge Residents' Association
Annual File 1981 - Meeting Minutes
The file consists of meeting minutes
The file consists of executive meeting minutes, correspondence, government reports, and newsclippings
The file consists of executive meeting minutes, correspondence, newsletters, mailing list, news releases, newsclippings
The file consists of a presentation outline, correspondence, newsclippings, Executive meeting minutes, newsletters, news releases, revenue and expenditure statement
The file consists of executive meeting minutes, newsletters, revenue and expenditures statements, correspondence, membership roll
The file consists of newsletters, correspondence, newsclippings, press releases, meeting minutes
The file consists of a membership list, Executive meeting minutes, correspondence, news releases, 2 photographs (b&w, 20.5 cm x 25.5 cm), public hearing records
The file consists of statements of revenue and expenses, Executive meeting minutes, newsclippings, newsletters, correspondence, annual meeting agenda, management report, brochures
The file consists of newsletters, Executive meeting minutes, correspondence, activity notices, statement of revenue and expenses, newsclippings, liquor licensing proposal documents, petition, annual general meeting minutes
The file consists of brochures, notes, newsclippings, news releases, facility use license form, insurance certificate, Coquitlam bylaw, school trustees meeting info
The file consists of newspaper articles on Referendum
The file consists of correspondence, newsletters, brochures, Executive meeting minutes, statement of revenue and expenses, remarks, invitations, newsclippings,
The file consists of newsletters, candidate brochures, correspondence, Executive meeting minutes, newsclippings, newsletters, bulletins, opening ceremony agenda, interim food permit, 2 colour photographs (10 x 15 cm)
The file consists of notes, Westwood Plateau brochures, newsletters, correspondence, newsclippings, Canada 125 information,
The file consists of newspaper articles on schools
The file consists of correspondence, brochures, newsclippings, invitations, council meeting minutes, GVRD report
The file consists of correspondence, school information, Executive meeting minutes, newsclippings, GVRD reports, meeting notes
The file consists of correspondence, Executive meeting minutes, Provincial news releases, candidate brochures, GVRD report,
The file consists of candidate materials, logo, Executive meeting minutes, newsletters, Westwood plateau information, brochures, invitations
The file consists of notes, permit to operate, press/news releases, news clippings, candidate brochures, newsletters, remarks, correspondence, Executive meeting minutes, GVRD report
The file consists of newsletters, correspondence, newsclippings, council meeting minutes, press releases and city documents, presentation notes, school board-relted documents, community plan information,
The file consists of newsletters, Executive meeting minutes
The file consists of correspondence, "Consider Coquitlam" documents, Public Budget Meeting documents
The file consists of Westwood plateau promo material, candidate information, newsletters, publci hearing documents, Executive meeting minutes, newsclippings, correspondence
The file consists of Election results, correspondence, newsletters, Executive meeting minutes, invitations, newsclippings, public budget meeting documents
The file consists of candidate information, correspondence, notes, newsclippings, school trustee information, press releases, promotional posters, Executive meeting minutes
The file consists of public hearing documentation, correspondence, GVRD documentation
The file consists of public hearing documentation, invitations, candidate information