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People and Policies - The Future of Riverview

The file consists of video of a Shaw TV news magazine show called "People and Policies" which was hosted by Ken Wood. The subject of the episode was "The Future of Riverview" and features Riverview CEO Marion C. Suski and Riverview Horticultural Society member Sue Haberger.

People and Policies - The Future of Riverview

The file consists of video of a Roger TV news magazine show called "People and Policies" which was hosted by Ken Wood. The subject of the episode was "The Future of Riverview" and features Riverview Horticultural Centre Society members Bill Brown and Greg Nutchey.

Tree Tag Notes

The file consists of handwritten and typed notes relating to tree tags on səmiq̓ʷəʔelə / Riverview Lands, with several addressing "problem tags."

Binder 4 - Assorted historical records pertaining to life in Maillardville

The file consists of assorted historical documents from many different donors related to life in Maillardville, including product catalogues, dairy labels, stamps, postcards, greeting cards, newspaper articles, invitations, certificates, Canadian Western Lumber Company records, Crown Zellerbach records, calendars, school badges, school report cards, church programs, history essays, newspaper articles, police department records, tax statements, a liquor permit, insurance books, a book of poetry, a marriage certificate, and two small gospel books.

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