Portrait - Ernest Gatensbury
Windjammer ships transport lumber from Fraser Mills
Millside (Fraser Mills)
Horse arena at Colony Farm
Group of men and horses working to clear the Vancouver Golf Club property
Docks at Fraser Mills
Patients harvest hay with barns and the arena in the background
Exterior shot of barn with sheep in foreground
Stone Gates
Clydesdales with plow and farmer
Barn with horse team hitched to a wagon
Hay field
Lacrosse Team
Pauline Gatensbury working in a lettuce bed in the family's greenhouse across from Como Lake
Vancouver Golf Club clubhouse in winter
Laundry, Public Hospital for the Insane, New Westminster
Fence and river
Two Clydesdale plow teams in field, with West Lawn building under construction in the background
Men working in farmyard
First clubhouse at the Vancouver Golf Club
Neelands Residence on North Road. near Austin Avenue
Three sets of clydesdale teams ploughing a field in front of the barns
Power lines along the road
Unidentified Farm photographs
Unidentified Farm photographs
Interior Shoe Shop, Public Hospital for the Insane, New Westminster
Workers and horses clearing the Vancouver Golf Club
Gatensbury greenhouses across from Como Lake
Roberts Family outside their Home at 201 Hart Street
Chickens in a pen
Power lines along the road