Arcade & Aline Paré Wedding Portrait
Booth Farm picnic
Children at a picnic at the Booth Farm
Dance outside service station
Denise and Lucien Racine - Wedding photograph
Feast of Corpus Christie gathering
First Communion at Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Group gathering
La Procession in Maillardville
Large gathering at outdoor party
Large social gathering
Norma Charles with a birthday cake
Our Lady of Fatima outdoor meal
Our Lady of Lourdes First Communion
Our Lady of Lourdes procession around Laval Square
Our Lady of Lourdes Religious Procession
Our Lady of Lourdes School Religious Procession
Outdoor dance (Couple looking at the camera Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Filiatrault)
Picnic at Booth Farm
Religious procession through Maillardville
Religious procession through Maillardville led by Father Delestre
Wedding of B. Charpentier and Cecile Hinque at Notre Dames de Lourdes
Wedding Portrait - Florence and Albert Seguin